The Story of Duffy the Courage Lion


Each Courage Lion comes with the book “Courage Pockets”,   which introduces the story of a young lion, Duffy, who faces the challenge of recovering from an injury.  In reading about Duffy’s feelings and experiences, children have the opportunity to identify and communicate about their own feelings and situations.  When read with a parent or other adult, the book offers valuable opportunities for children and caregivers to identify and validate feelings, concerns and coping strategies, expand self-awareness, and encourage sharing and discussion.  Also, children are able to merely enjoy the book as a story that need not be analyzed.  In essence, children can take from the story only what they are ready to find.

The accompanying CD offers an audio version of the story and a rich variety of original songs that complement Duffy’s story, reinforcing the message of hope and courage.  The CD may be used for children who are not old enough to read, developmentally disabled or whose injuries have interfered with their ability to read.  The upbeat music offers a close reflection of the themes of the story, enabling children to recall messages they took from the story in a comforting and enjoyable way.

Through the Courage Lion, “Courage Pockets”,  and accompanying CD, music and storytelling can combine with imagination to help transform a child’s hospital bed into a much more comfortable and healing space.